As another anniversary rolls around of Cassie’s passing (8/31/2015) from this world to her eternal home, we reflect on what we miss about her—her love for life, her laughter, her sense of humor, her enjoyment of watching crime shows and Judge Judy, her love of church retreats, and most of all her care and concern for others.

In this year’s post, I am including a couple photos of Cassie that have not been posted before. Please see below.

The first photo is from our visit to Oceanside, California, which was on Cassie’s bucket list: to put her feet in the ocean. We ate at Ruby’s restaurant at the end of the pier. You can tell in this photo that Cassie wasn’t feeling that great. It just so happened that our granddaughter Charlotte Kay was born during that trip.

The second is her holding her niece, Charlotte Kay. Her brother Daniel and wife Gillian flew from Illinois so Cassie could enjoy seeing and holding her little niece. That is a special memory.

cassie at ruby's restaurant in oceanside, ca
cassie hold her niece


I was recently reminded of Cassie’s significant impact on the ladies at Calvary Chapel Central Phoenix.  I was at a Women’s Ministry Leadership meeting this past Saturday morning.  For the first time in several years, the women are planning a spring retreat up north in Arizona.  Cassie LOVED going to retreat and was always excited about it.  She had the reputation of always announcing to the ladies at church how many days were left till retreat.  She didn’t announce it with an inside voice but with an OUTSIDE voice.  The gals mentioned that having Cassie around for the save-the-date announcement would have been great.  Cassie is dearly missed at Calvary Chapel Central.