“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Jeremiah 29:11

Fond Memories of Cassie

March 31, 2019My memories of Cassie were in phone conversations with her, the precious few that I had. She always made me feel good even through her own adversity. Her excitement and enthusiasm for life was infectious and I received more joy from her than I know I gave to her. She is a sweet dear soul who will always be remembered by her love of all, especially her dear Lord.

Aunt Mary Rae Martin

September 29, 2015  “Memories of Cassie.  Only great memories thru knowing Cassie for 11 years is what I have.  Her many accomplishments with volunteering, TOPS involvement, graduating as a peer support and getting a special award for contributing the most during the peer training because she always put in her magical touch, a joyous being with the most amazing smile who would always end our calls with, “You rock!” and I would say, “No! You rock!”  I will miss that joyous awesome Cassie.  May you be with the Lord.”

Sonia Trejo

September 11, 2015 “Remembering Cassie.  Cassie was so easy to love and never failed to put a smile on my face. She was a good listener and a great friend. She always knew just what to say and could tell when I needed to get something off my chest.  It was easy to be myself around Cassie, and I will treasure for a lifetime the gift of a friend who loved in and under all circumstances.  She radiated joy and completely trusted that God’s plan was the best one.  Love and miss you dearly, Cassie.”

Samantha Harding

September  4, 2015  “I really got to know Cassie when she was in my room for women’s retreat in Prescott. We shared stories prayed together and got to really know each other. She was such as inspiration to me. I know I will see her again,  she is full of joy walking with her maker. Good bye for now  until we meet again in heaven.”

Annette Emerson

September  4, 2015  “A smile that lights up the room! Cassie’s positive spirit and wonderful smile always made my day when she would come by her “Townley home”. I always told her she was our bright and shining superstar because everyone knew her and was always happy to see her.
We would share stories, talk about cats, and discuss the progress she made over the 11 years we knew each other. What a blessing Cassie has been in my life.
My heart goes out to her family during this difficult time.”

Barbara Brown

September  4, 2015  “I have several  special memories of Cassie, but I will share two that stand out the most:
1.  Her knowledge of the Word of God.  The times Cassie was in my Bible Study Class and we would discuss the things the Lord was showing us through a study . . . Cassie would have amazing insight to His Word as she would share with us what the Lord was showing her.
2.  The scaring game she and Pastor John would play.  He would scare her intentionally and she would scare him by accident . . . both were so fun to watch.  She wanted to make sure she got the last “scare”.
3.  I know I said two things, but one memory I will never forget is seeing Cassie back at church after she recovered from her surgery and was going through chemo.  She had her head wrapped up in a pretty scarf and the biggest smile on her face.  I don’t think she EVER looked more beautiful and radiant than at that moment.  She was excited to see her church family and to Worship the God she loved and trusted her very life with.  Gonna miss you Cassie . . ..”

Becky Brown

September 4, 2015  “When she was just over 2 years old (the winter of 1976/1977), as we were driving along M-57 between Elsie and Alma, Michigan in my 1975 Chevy Monza 2+2. Cassie was in her child safety seat and I was focusing on the road, because there had been a heavy snowfall and the conditions were slippery. All of a sudden, she breaks out in song (approximately to the tune of “Jingle Bells” that we all know, but with that special Cassie twist):
“Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, they all came out to see him. Close your
eyes, close your eyes, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?”
I started laughing SO HARD I nearly ran off the road. I immediately pulled over, so I could compose myself, grabbed the first thing I could find to write it on (a napkin) and immortalized those words right that night!  I smile every time I think of that late night winter drive.”

Tim Mrva

September 1, 2015  “The first time I had the pleasure of meeting Cassie was when she took flight in Bruce’s Chopper. She was such a joy and had an incredibly positive attitude. I know she is in a better place and free of the pain. RIP Cassie..”

Wade Rusk

September 1, 2015  “My favorite memory of Cassie was working the door at church on Wednesday nights, and seeing Cassie come up the sidewalk. She was always one of the last to arrive as the city bus didn’t seem to acknowledge the importance of church that she did! She would always tell me she was all sweaty (as if to warn me before the hugs ensued) and I would always tell her so am I. She was so independent and so loving, what a wonderful woman. Thanks for allowing me to share.”

Mike Waisner

July 29, 2015  “My most recent fond/fun memory with Cassie was one day I was helping her with her shower. This is after her diagnosed with cancer and she had come to live to Tim and me. Cassie was in the shower, sitting on her shower chair and using the removable shower head, I stayed close by because Cassie was unstable on her feet and often needed my help. She was doing just fine but the shower head got away from her and water started spraying out from the shower curtain. I said to her “boy, you are getting wild” and she responded, “I’m a wild thing”. Well, that sparked the song “Wild Thing” which we both sang. “Wild Thing, you make my heart sing, you make everything groovy……” We both had a good laugh. More recently I told her she was a wild thing and she started singing and I started singing and she even got a little grove going with her walker. It was a sight to behold. I will always remember this memory.”   Cindy Mrva

Cindy Mrva

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